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Joe & Kelly Evans


Experienced, trustworthy, fun. These are just a few of the ways coworkers describe this invaluable member of our team. Aiden Johnson is truly a joy to be around and makes it a pleasure to come to work every single day.


Vince & LaVern Robinson


With us since our founding, Jaime Lane is one of our veteran team members. They bring their years of experience and skills to the forefront in helping our business grow and evolve.


Joe & Shay Scott


It didn’t take long for Drew Carlyle to make a big impact as our new Manager. Professionalism to a tee and never without a smile, Drew Carlyle is more than an asset to the RESULTS TUTORING family.


Savannah Bigelow

Math Tutor

It didn’t take long for Taylor Quill to make a big impact as our new Manager. Professionalism to a tee and never without a smile, Taylor Quill is more than an asset to the RESULTS TUTORING family.


Joseph Scott Jr.

Co-Director / Math Instructor


Tobais Evans

Math Tutor

With us since our founding, Alex Smith is one of our veteran team members. They bring their years of experience and skills to the forefront in helping our business grow and evolve.


Corey Shepherd

Math Tutor

It didn’t take long for River Watts to make a big impact as our new Manager. Professionalism to a tee and never without a smile, River Watts is more than an asset to the RESULTS TUTORING family.


Felicia Skinner

Math Tutor

Experienced, trustworthy, fun. These are just a few of the ways coworkers describe this invaluable member of our team. Jesse Neimus is truly a joy to be around and makes it a pleasure to come to work every single day.


(302) 266-8185

Newark Shopping Center - 230 East Main Street, Suite 97, Newark, DE  19711

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